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Young bottle-nose dolphin near Port Douglas, QLDHumpback whale at Cape Tourville, TAZWhale tale...White Bennetts wallaby, Adventure Bay TASWhite Bennetts wallaby, Adventure Bay TasmaniaWhite Bennetts wallaby, Adventure Bay TasmaniaRun away!Bennitts wallaby with joey, Adventure Bay, TASEmus with chicks, south of Roma, QLDSea bird mating dance, Bicheno, TassieBlack swan, Adventure Bay, TassieBlack swans, Moulting Lagoon, TassieBlack swan nursery, Moulting Lagoon, TassieI'll stare at you too.....One more drink...Get that bird! Wallabies, Ingham, QLDDouble header! Look for a 5th foot...Flying foxes, Lissner Park, Charters Towers, QLDThe Flying Fox has landed...I'll try just a little step - ok mom?